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    Miss Hui O Hawaii San Diego

    Kehaulani Wilson

    About Miss Hui O Hawaii

       Kehaulani is the daughter of Kimo and Tereza Wilson, and granddaughter of Jim and Kehaulani Wilson, Carlos and Bertha Torres.

    She is currently in her first year of college at Southwestern Community College majoring in Nursing. Kehaulani’s goal after two years will be to transfer to UCSD with a major in Nursing and study in anesthesiology. Her end goal is to earn her Doctorates Degree. She is passionate about the field of healthcare and has a deep desire to make a meaningful impact in people's lives. The ability to alleviate pain, provide comfort and ensure the safety of patients during surgical procedures resonates with her on a profound level. She is dedicated to pursuing a career that combines her passion for healthcare with her desire to make a positive difference. Kehaulani spoke passionately about how her tutu Kumu Hula Kehaulani Wilson was her greatest influence. Taking care of her tutu growing up, who was also her Kumu Hula, had a profound impact on shaping who she is today. The experience not only deepened her understanding of the importance of ohana and compassion, but also ignited a passion for hula and a strong connection to her Hawaiian culture. Additionally, learning hula directly from her tutu allowed Kehaulani to express her love for their culture and connect with her ancestors on a spiritual level. Dancing hula has become a way for her to honor her tutu’s legacy, preserve the Hawaiian culture as well as share their traditions, values, and stories with others.

       As a member of the Mokihana show group for Halau Heali'i's Polynesian Revue, Kehaulani has been fortunate to immerse herself in the rich traditions, dances and stories of our Polynesian cultures. It has taught her the importance of preserving and sharing our cultural traditions, as they are a vital part of our identity and history. She expressed how the halau has instilled in her a strong sense of discipline, teamwork, and dedication. All the rigorous training, rehearsals and performances have taught her the value of hard work, commitment, and perseverance. These qualities are essential not only in the world of dance, but also in life. Most importantly, her halau has taught her what it means to be a good and positive role model for the keiki's, future generations, and our beautiful community now. Pomaika’i!

    Apply now to become the next Miss Hui!

    Under the guidance of the Hui O Hawaii Director of Youth Enrichment, Miss Hui will coordinate and implement arrangements for youth activities and will be a positive role model for the Hui's youth.  Miss Hui will also appear at functions like the Lōkahi Festival, General membership meetings, Installation of Officers, and other functions as requested by the Director of Youth Enrichment. If you are interested in applying to become the next Miss Hui, please click HERE to apply online.

    You can also apply by mail by printing, and completing this PDF application form... 

    Please mail your completed and signed application to:

    Hui-O-Hawaii of San Diego

    Attn: Director of Youth

    374 East H Street, STE A 463

    Chula Vista, CA 91910-7496

    Or email to:

    Application must be received by August 1st

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